郭晸溢 - 其他 | 2022-10-19 | 點閱數: 788

Hueilong Elementary
and Junior High School


(A) Location: our school is located on the intersection of Gueshen Village Taoyuan City,Hsinchuang Dist. New Taipei City, and Shulin Dist..It is situated on Wanshou Road,next to Provincial Highway No1.

(B) Campus(inclusive of buildings and environment):

There are 34 general classrooms, ten specialty classrooms, playground, audio-visual equipment, courtyard, safety defense on the campus, physical educaiton equipments, and so so.

(C) Student and Class number: We have 238 elementary students in 12 classes and 122 junior high school students in 9 classes now.

(D) Characteristics

      a. Teach students to raise butterflies and there by to learn getting long with animals and valuing lives.


     b.  Set up an art museum to enlarge students’ visions and to increase their opportunities to participating art activities. 


    c.   Set up orchestral classes to let students learn to play orchestras.



Our school was formally founded in 1994 under the name Hueilong Elementary School and opened its doors for grades 1 to 6 on Sep. 1st 1998. As the school district continued to grow in population, residents saw the need to add grades 7-9 curriculum to the school, saving their children from commuting to junior high schools outside the county. After years of preparation and a joint effort among the school staff, parents and the community, a curriculum for grades 7 to 9 was added in 2002. It thus changed its name to Hueilong Elementary And Junior High School.


To commit to our goal of becoming the pioneer of a nine-year education system, we strive to create a unified and complete education curriculum for students to ensure they will become good citizens who are cooperative, responsible, courteous, disciplined, and brave in seeking the Truth. In addition, we aim to provide effective learning environment where students will achieve their maximum potential and blossom as confident life-long learners who make a positive difference in our world.


Web nethttps://www.hles.tyc.edu.tw/

Telephone:(0282096088     Fax:(0282096099